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Child Vaccine Benefits
Child Vaccine Timeline

Children need vaccines because their immune systems aren’t able to fend off diseases. Infants and young children under the age of five are at risk of contracting diphtheria, mumps, tetanus, whooping cough, chickenpox and polio (the latter has was eliminated in the United States in 1979, but it’s still present in Africa and Asia). Vaccines are safe, and unless they are living in an underdeveloped region there are seldom good reasons not for children to receive them. The first two years of life are the most critical time to get the recommended shots.

Vaccinations for Newborns

At two to four months of age, infants should receive the following vaccinations: diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (these are given simultaneously with one injection). Additionally, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines are administered during this time. The former is an infection causing pneumonia and the latter, vomiting and diarrhea. At four and six months of age, the same round of three vaccinations is repeated, with two injections for the DTP and pneumococcal disease and oral drops for the rotavirus.

Vaccinations at One Year of Age

Twelve-month old infants are at an important stage in the vaccination cycle. The MMR vaccine is for protection again measles, mumps, and rubella, all of which are transmitted from one person to another in the air. Some infants younger than one year should be immunized if they will be outside of North America. The second round of vaccines is given much later, around four to six years.

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is unpleasant. Many people in North America and other developed countries can recall having this illness, which causes painful rashes. This vaccine is given around twelve to fifteen months of age, with a booster shot between four and six years.


Any jab can cause side effects, but they are rarely serious. Most of the time, problems that stem from vaccinations are mild fevers and sore arms. “Needle pain” causes anxiety and resistance to vaccinations, but these shots will do more good than harm because these illnesses are far less frequent in the developed world.…

Child Vaccine Benefits
Why Vaccinate Kids?

As a parent it’s only natural that you want your child (or children) to be in good health. To protect young members of a family from dangers that can’t be seen, heard, or felt, i.e., diseases, parents can choose vaccinations. In the developed world, cases of potentially lethal illnesses have been reduced on a massive scale and that’s only because most children continue to be vaccinated

. Once they stop getting their shots those diseases return – and they’re tougher to beat. Many children remain unprotected because their parents believe that a child’s immune system will provide adequate protection during an illness and after it runs its course. That could happen, but it’s a dangerous thing to assume. not only will your child benefit from proper food eating habits, but also keeping them active even during days when the weather outside is bad. Getting your child to use an indoor rowing machine or cardio equipment is going to be difficult as children will find it boring, so I would suggest that an area where they can play indoors safely. Also according to it’s not recommended for children under the age of 12 to use fitness equipment designed for adults. Here are reasons children should get their shots.

Diseases Hang Around

While it’s true that diseases such as diphtheria, measles, and whooping cough have been controlled, they haven’t been eradicated. They’re still here, and they make life very unpleasant for children who haven’t been properly immunized. The diseased mentioned above don’t occur with great frequency in the developed world, but they can reach epidemic proportions elsewhere. And when people from an affected area travel abroad, they might carry something with them without knowing it. Many illnesses are contagious, and that’s a scary thought when you consider how many international flights are going around the world every day.

Vaccinations Are Safe

Not everyone likes needles and they cause some pain, but getting a shot is a small price to pay for preventing an illness that could threaten a child’s life. There have been theories going around about the possible link between vaccinations and autism; however, there is no concrete evidence to support this case. Autism is a highly complex disorder that develops before a child receives the first jab of a syringe. Refusing to administer lifesaving vaccinations can lead to disastrous results for adults and children alike. In 2010, California saw a resurgence of whooping cough not seen since the 1940s, and incidents like this can happen again without appropriate measures.


Vaccinations Aren’t Toxic to the Body

The success of vaccines may be undermined because of the following ingredients anti-vaxxers love to hate: mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and thiomersal. What isn’t understood about these chemicals is that we absorb them on a daily basis, in the foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Only trace amounts are in vaccines.

Vaccines Save Money

Beyond saving lives, reduction in diseases means less pressure on the health care system. If a child comes down with measles, that means no school. Instead, he or she will be taken to the emergency room – and this kind of trip always costs money. What if an illness becomes serious and a child is admitted into intensive care? That means lots of medications, bills for special tests, etc.


If we trust medical professionals about a vaccine’s effectiveness, fewer people will become sick. As science continues to advance, we shouldn’t forget how many deaths have been prevented with vaccines.…